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Discussione: Feeding my fish

  1. #1
    Nuovo Iscritto L'avatar di blueeyes
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    Feeding my fish

    Hi just a quick note on what i feed my discus
    4 days - 2 weeks live baby brine shrimp 6 times a day for first week then start introducing decaps till 2 weeks 50%W/C morn and night per day
    2 weeks - 5 weeks I remove the fry at 14 days still feed 6 times but start introducing beef heart and fine crushed flake and fine red astax crumb.and 50% W/C morn and night per day
    6 weeks - 6 mths 6 feeds of beef heart,flake and astax crumb but start them on a larger grade.
    6mths - 1 year 4 feeds per day of the above and 50% W/C per day
    1 year - 2 feeds per day of above and 25% W/C per day

    I get all my feed from here note if link not allowed please remove.
    I stopped other granuals as was getting a lot of head standing and blockages,better to pre soak before use.

  2. #2
    Moderator L'avatar di antonio sabatino
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    Re: Feeding my fish

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da blueeyes Visualizza Messaggio
    I stopped other granuals as was getting a lot of head standing and blockages,better to pre soak before use.
    Hi, I would like to know more about the concept of " head standing":is the position of the fish related to feeding it with granuals without pre-soaking?

  3. #3
    Nuovo Iscritto L'avatar di blueeyes
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    Re: Feeding my fish

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da antonio sabatino Visualizza Messaggio
    Hi, I would like to know more about the concept of " head standing":is the position of the fish related to feeding it with granuals without pre-soaking?
    I would not go as far as to say yes but i would say it was a contributing factor in some cases,take some well known brand of Discus granuals and let them soak and see the size they become,some times if this is the case some epsom salts will sort it out but the longer they go the harder it is,also I think all these wormers are sometimes a factor,I have never seen so many cases of head standers on many forums since wormers became ready availible,if your worming your fish add some epsom salts to ease passing anything they might have, again this is just my opinion,we all use granuals because they are easy to feed and the fish love them but just watch how many they hoover off the surface, hope this answers your question.

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